The Industrial Revolution 4.0 has brought significant changes to the industrial landscape, introducing new digital technologies and transforming manufacturing processes around the world. In this context, the machinery sector is evolving rapidly, embracing technological innovation to improve efficiency, productivity and competitiveness.
Etelec Italia S.p.A. Benefit Company felt it was essential to be an active part of this change by fully engaging in the project to develop innovative machinery applications according to the principles of Industrial Revolution 4.0.
Benefits and Opportunities
Innovative and sustainable investments offer a range of benefits and opportunities for companies in the manufacturing sector. These include increased operational efficiency, greater flexibility in production, reduced maintenance costs, and improved ability to adapt to market changes.
The Contribution of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
Etelec Italia S.p.A. Benefit Company, has made possible the implementation of applications with innovative machinery in the context of Industrial Revolution 4.0 and energy efficiency of production activities thanks to financial support from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
In continuity with its long-term development strategy and in relation to supervening production needs, Etelec Italia S.p.A Benefit Company has developed and successfully completed an investment program aimed at further increasing its productivity and competitiveness in the market .
Specifically, as a result of the investment the company was able to :
- Automate and control with a complete counting, packaging and boxing plant the process of packaging screw and dowel fastening systems , freeing human resources to devote to more complex and rewarding activities by also automatically managing the process of labeling and managing production batch allocation ;
- Increase energy efficiency through the acquisition and installation of a 200 kWp photovoltaic system ;
- reduce supply costs and improve the quality of electricity used by the company during production , thanks to the acquisition and installation of a transformer substation with a related 630 A MV/LV transformer ;
- Implement the current production line of gel-insulated connection systems with three new automatic dosing and filling stations .
The totality of the above investments has enabled the company to speed up the production process by reducing production time and costs, freeing up human resources from performing elementary tasks, and digitally controlling the performance level of production activities even at the most basic operation level.
In addition to improving production capacity and fostering economic growth by staying abreast of the times, in line with its mission as a Benefit Corporation, Etelec Italia S.p.A. will have the opportunity to contribute more effort and resources to the welfare and growth of the region and the socie economic fabric in which the company operates.