Resiljoint linear resin splice shell to be cast, for extruded cables up to 4 poles with 0.6/1 kV insulation.
Resiljoint joints are made by combining GSA shells with the appropriate amount of Resil resin

Size: Six

Amount of Resil® to be paid: 9.80 liters

Kit contents: Patented modular separator for cables up to 4 poles, Polypropylene (PP) half-shells, Instructions

Resiljoint linear resin splice shell to be cast, for extruded cables up to 4 poles with 0.6/1 kV insulation.
Resiljoint joints are made by combining GSA shells with the appropriate amount of Resil resin

Size: Six

Amount of Resil® to be paid: 9.80 liters

Kit contents: Patented modular separator for cables up to 4 poles, Polypropylene (PP) half-shells, Instructions

COD: GSA6 Category: